Friday, November 6, 2009

Britney spears ass. Yeah god.

Britney spears ass. Cool pics:

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What can I do to a father-in-law whos practically constant bigotry makes me cry and makes me mad? Not just against people of other races, but people of other religions, ethnicities, genders, and even the size! He makes bad comment so often it seems as if they are normal everyday things that only a part of the human vocabulary, such as the words and, or are. He is a regular user of the N-word and tell literally nothing to the black race. he assigns to each individual black person as basically every single stereotype at a time and it makes me sick. He does the same with those of Arabiac or in the middle of Easter and of course, refers to ethnic groups them as terrorists. As if that is not enough, he is was the same way gays and lesbians, and refers to them as always rude names ever invented, and she urges all abomination before God. He then grabs my faith because I am a devout Christian, and he wonders why I am accepting their behavior. He is in the same way about fat people ... PS to him about Kate Winslet is a fat ***, like Britney Spears (pre-kfed!) And calls me fat (53 to 125 kg)!
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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Britney spears xxx. Boom!!!

Britney spears xxx. Extra Pictures:

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Sex Tape - Click here...

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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009